When some think of family counseling, they think of the whole family sitting around having an intervention. This is not the case. Family counseling is an extension of individual counseling. Just as with couples counseling, it is not my role to choose a side. My role is to help you reach your goals. It can be both parents and a child. It can be one child and one parent. It can be a set of siblings. Whatever form it looks like, when there is more than one person in the room and there are family ties, it is family counseling. Family counseling takes on many different forms but all serves the same purpose; enhance and improve relationships – strengthen the bonds that are so vital to our success.
What to expect:
During the initial assessment; the key players involved in the presenting problem are asked to attend. I like to assess everyone involved to get the whole picture. If some cannot attend, that is okay, even if just one person comes to the assessment, it can turn into family counseling down the road. Upon assessment, therapist will share suggested plan of ongoing treatment if necessary.